• Emergency Preparedness

    Emergency & Disaster Rules

    If there is an emergency or disaster on a school day, the following rules apply:

    During School Hours

    - Your child will be kept AT SCHOOL unless it is unsafe.
    - Anyone attempting to pick up your child will be asked for identification.
    - Your child will be taken to the nearest safe location should it be necessary to evacuate the school.

     Listen to one of the following Emergency Broadcast Stations (EBS) to determine this location:

    KVEN*  AM  1450  Ventura 
    KHAY* FM 100.7  Ventura 
    KMLA FM  103.7  Ventura 
    KLVE AM  107.5  Los Angeles 
    KLOS FM  95.5  Los Angeles 
    KEYT TV  Ch. 3  Santa Barbara 
    *KVEN and KHAY are local primary stations for the Emergency Alert System.

    Going To and From School

    - Your child is to continue on his/her way to school if he/she is already going to school.
    - If your child rides the school bus, the bus driver will go to the nearest school that is safe and remain with the students. The school administrator or his/her designee will then take the responsibility for the students and their safety.
    - Your child is to continue on his/her way home if he/she is already going home.


    - Review these rules periodically with your child.
    - Help your child know where you will probably be during the day.
    - Keep a copy of this notice at your daytime location.
    - Review the Emergency Procedures outlined in your local telephone directory under "General Information."

  • Emergency Preparedness
    We take emergency preparedness very seriously at Madroña Academy. All classrooms and offices are equipped with emergency packs and an emergency phone tree is in place to keep you informed in the event of an emergency. Emergency drills are regularly practiced on campus with the children. We suggest you review our guidelines and review each of the linked pages in case of an emergency.

    Emergency Packs
    Each class is equipped with an emergency pack. Packs contain supplies for each student and are maintained or replenished  on an annual basis by the PTA.

    Emergency Authorization Cards
    Your emergency authorization cards must be kept up to date. Please make necessary changes where needed to enable the school to contact you promptly in case of emergency.

    Hey Kids! You Need to Read This!
    Are you ready to put your planning skills to good use? Are you ready to help your family get prepared for the unexpected? Your family can use this Web site to create a plan that will help you be ready for many different kinds of unexpected situations!

    You're already a great planner! Every day you get your homework done, get to music or sports practice on time, and plan where and when you'll meet up with friends. But how do you get prepared for emergencies?

    It's simple! It just takes planning and practice, and these fun activities from Ready Kids can help!

    Click on the following website from our Federal Government for some great tools, puzzles and exercises to help you and your family along the way.