Fun Facts about Me and My Family

  • Fun Facts about Principal Lewis!

    Where was I born and raised? I was born and raised in Woodland Hills, California.

    How many siblings do I have? I am one of 7 children, with two brothers and a sister older than me, and two brothers and a sister younger than me!

    What are my favorite childhood memories? We loved going to Zuma Beach, swimming in our pool, singing as a family, and spending time with family and friends.

    Did I like reading as a child? I loved reading! I read so many books in my free time! I was a book-worm!

    How many children do I have? I have two children. Demar Francis is 33 years old and Jessica Lynne is 25 years old!

    What is my favorite thing about Maple? I love the Maple Community! Parents, students, and staff are all committed to provide students with positive,

    enriching experiences that will empower them with the tools they need to be well-adjusted, confident Maple Mustangs.