The mission of the TOHS Math Department is to develop critical thinkers who objectively apply reasoning skills to resolve problems. The TOHS math teachers provide students with an academically challenging environment that promotes problem-solving skills, work ethic, critical thinking, time management, and perseverance.  

Courses Offered                                                                          

AP Computer Science A

AP Calculus

Calculus CP

AP Precalculus 

Math Analysis CP

Statistics (Duel Enrollment)

Functions, Stats, & Trig (FST)

Algebra 2 Honors

Algebra 2 CP

Algebra 2 for the 21st Century

Financial Algebra 

Geometry Honors

Geometry CP

Geometry CVS

Computer Visualization Simulation

Algebra 1 Honors

Algebra 1 CP

Algebra 1B

Algebra 1A

Math Humor