Attendance Matters


  • Positive, daily attendance is essential for student learning and correlates with student success throughout the school year. Missing school equates to missed learning opportunities. 

    Regular, on-time attendance directly correlates to academic performance.  Good attendance is a shared responsibility between the student, parent/guardian, school and district. Parents/guardians are expected to send their students to school each day on time and to call if they are absent or tardy (late) within three school days.

  • How does the office communicate attendance issues to parents?

  • What absences can be excused?

  • Which absences are “contacted unexcused"?

  • How do “contacted unexcused” absences differ from “truancies?”

  • How many illness days may my child take in a school year without needing a note from a doctor?

  • Does being tardy to school matter?

  • How can parents/guardians help?

La Asistencia es Importante

Contact Us

  • Attendance Line
    (805) 498-3608 x300

    Office Manager
    Mrs. Ashley McCreary

Attend Today
Attend Today Spanish