Bienvenidos. Welcome.
The Benefits of Dual Language Immersion (DLI):
A research-proven instructional approach that prepares students to think, read and write in two languages, resulting in students becoming bilingual, biliterate, and multicultural.
Dual Language Immersion programs are additive - meaning that a child does not lose their native language, but instead strengthens their native language plus adds a second language.
Bilingualism and biliteracy prepares students to think more broadly and critically, results in higher language arts and math achievement and increases career pathways opportunities in their adulthood.
Learn More About the DLI Program at Conejo Academy
Tour Our School
Join Us for a School Tour:
Únase a nosotros para un recorrido por la escuela: Considering a Spanish-English Dual Language Immersion Program for your child for the 2025-2026 school year? We welcome prospective families to tour our beautiful campus, and learn more about how we prepare students to think, read and write in two languages. To attend a tour, please complete our Tour Registration Form or call our front office at: (805) 495-7058 to reserve a tour time to visit our campus.
¿Está considerando un programa de inmersión dual en español-inglés para su hijo/a para el año escolar 2025-2026? Invitamos a las familias interesadas a recorrer nuestro hermoso campus y aprender más sobre cómo preparamos a los estudiantes para pensar, leer y escribir en dos idiomas. Para asistir a un recorrido, complete nuestro Formulario de Registro para Recorridos o llame a nuestra oficina principal al: (805) 495-7058 para reservar una hora de recorrido y visitar nuestro campus.
CVUSD Enrollment Procedures for Dual Language Immersion (DLI) at Conejo Academy
A successful DLI program consists of students who create language models for one another. The opportunity to engage with a classmate whose primary language differs from their own will strengthen and deepen the second language acquisition process and development. Therefore, enrollment in the inaugural DLI transitional kindergarten and kindergarten classrooms at Conejo Academy will be made up of approximately 40 students, split between English-only students, Spanish-only students and students who are established English-Spanish bilingual, to the extent possible. Therefore, enrollment in DLI will require a few steps to ensure the classes are made up of language balance among the students.
To develop the skills to become bilingual, biliterate and multicultural, one school year is insufficient. Therefore, CVUSD is seeking at least a six-year commitment from parents/guardians to enroll in the DLI kindergarten classes at Conejo Academy School beginning August 2022.
Enrollment Procedures for Conejo Academy Neighborhood Students:
- (October to March): Parents/Guardians are strongly encouraged to attend a DLI informational presentation before enrolling their child in the DLI program. A recording of this presentation is available in the "Information Videos" tab above.
- (Beginning in mid-late January): Complete the online “pre-enrollment” process for your Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten student at Conejo Academy. If you require assistance, please feel free to contact Conejo Academy’s main office at 805-495-7058, and/or go in person, the address is 280 N. Conejo School Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362.
- (Ongoing) Finalize enrollment by providing all student documents to Conejo Academy.
- (Late April - May) Assess students in both languages. To ensure the required balance of peer language models, a primary language proficiency interview with your child will be scheduled and completed. Teachers will contact parents/guardians to schedule an appointment.
- Students will be assessed in both languages
- Parents/Guardians will fill out a survey while they wait
- (Late May): CVUSD notifies you, via email, of final enrollment. All parent(s)/guardian(s) will attend a DLI presentation/commitment meeting and will sign a commitment contract at the end of the presentation.
Enrollment Procedures for CVUSD School Choice (Conejo Academy is not your neighborhood school, yet your child does reside within CVUSD boundaries):
- (October to March): Parents/Guardians are strongly encouraged to attend a DLI informational presentation before enrolling their child in the DLI program. A recording of this presentation is available at the CVUSD DLI website.
- (Beginning November 1st): Complete the online CVUSD School Choice Application for your Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten age student and select “Dual Language Immersion Program” as primary school choice.
- (March): Receive pre-approval for DLI based on the initial School Choice lottery
- (March-April): Complete the online “pre-enrollment” process for your Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten student at Conejo Academy. If you require assistance, please feel free to contact Conejo Academy’s main office at 805-495-7058, and/or go in person, the address is 280 N. Conejo School Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362.
- (Ongoing) Finalize enrollment by providing all student documents to Conejo Academy.
- (Late April - Early May) Assess students in both languages. To ensure the required balance of peer language models, a primary language proficiency interview with your child will be scheduled and completed. Teachers will contact parent(s)/guardian(s) to schedule an appointment.
- Students will be assessed in both languages
- Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will fill out a survey while they wait
- (Late May): CVUSD notifies you, via email, of final enrollment. All parent(s)/guardian(s) will attend a DLI presentation/commitment meeting and will sign a commitment contract at the end of the presentation.
Enrollment Procedures for Interdistrict (does not reside within CVUSD boundaries) School Choice:
- (October to March): Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are strongly encouraged to attend a DLI informational presentation before enrolling their child in the DLI program. A recording of this presentation is available at the "Informational Videos" tab above.
- Families who reside outside of CVUSD boundaries and wish for their student(s) to attend a CVUSD school will need to complete an Interdistrict Transfer Agreement form. This form must be obtained from and submitted to your district of residence for approval (the form may vary based on your district of residence) Please visit our Enroll CVUSD/Interdistrict Transfer webpage for further information.
- (November 1st); Interdistrict applications will be accepted beginning November 1st, through January 31st to be considered on time.
- (April 1st): Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will receive notification on results of interdistrict-transfer request based on availability in program
- (April-May): If approved, complete the online “pre-enrollment” process for your Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten student at Conejo Academy. If you require assistance, please feel free to contact Conejo Academy’s main office at 805-495-7058, and/or go in person, the address is 280 N. Conejo School Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362.
- (Ongoing) Finalize enrollment by providing all student documents to Conejo Academy.
- (Late April - Early May) Assess students in both languages. To ensure the required balance of peer language models, a primary language proficiency interview with your child will be scheduled and completed. Teachers will contact parents to schedule an appointment.
- Students will be assessed in both languages
- Parents will fill out a survey while they wait
- (Late May): CVUSD notifies you, via email, of final enrollment. All parent(s)/guardian(s) will attend a DLI presentation/commitment meeting and will sign a commitment contract at the end of the presentation.
Program Structure
Program Structure - Our 50/50 Model
The Dual Language Immersion Program will follow a 50/50 model, meaning that half of a student's instruction time is in English and half is in Spanish. At each grade level, the amount of instruction time in English and in Spanish remains the same (50/50) and is considered a "simultaneous literacy" model, as developing literacy in Spanish and English are focused on simultaneously. The 50/50 model requires a closely aligned curricular program where instruction in key content areas, such as language arts and math, so that the skills are not retaught in both languages, but rather are built upon in each language.
School Year Subject Matter Taught in English (50%) Subject Matter Taught in Spanish (50%) Kindergarten English Language Arts, Math, Health, Other Spanish Language Arts, Science, Social Studies First Grade English Language Arts, Math, Health, Other Spanish Language Arts, Science, Social Studies Second Grade English Language Arts, Math, Health, Other Spanish Language Arts, Science, Social Studies Third Grade English Language Arts, Math, Health, Other Spanish Language Arts, Science, Social Studies Fourth Grade English Language Arts, Math, Health, Other Spanish Language Arts, Science, Social Studies Fifth Grade English Language Arts, Math, Health, Other Spanish Language Arts, Science, Social Studies
*Language of instruction for subject matter may change based on curriculum availability and new program recommendations
School Year Dual Language Immersion Program Grade Level Rollout 2022-2023 Transitional Kindergarten &
Kindergarten2023-2024 Transitional Kindergarten &
KindergartenFirst Grade 2024-2025 Transitional Kindergarten &
KindergartenFirst Grade Second Grade 2025-2026 Transitional Kindergarten &
KindergartenFirst Grade Second Grade Third Grade 2026-2027 Transitional Kindergarten &
KindergartenFirst Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade 2027-2028 Transitional Kindergarten &
KindergartenFirst Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade
Informational Videos
Parent/Guardian Information Session - Webinar Recording
This recording covers the following topics:
- What is DLI and what does this mean for my child beyond Kindergarten? What does a typical instructional day look like in a DLI program?
- Parent/guardian supports to assist you in supporting your child as they become bilingual. Additional opportunities beyond DLI for your child at Conejo Academy.
- Supporting students with disabilities to access DLI. Hear from parents who enrolled their child in a DLI program.
- Enrollment process and years-long commitment
Learn More About the Benefits of DLI from Dr. Ricardo Araiza
Video Testimonials
Learn More About our DLI Program from our Dedicated DLI Teachers:
Hear What Parents are Saying:
A Message from our DLI Scholars:
Research and Resources
Research & Resources
Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs have been in existence for several decades. There continues to be a growing number of research studies and program evaluations that look at different aspects of dual language immersion programs. These studies continue to confirm that when implemented appropriately, DLI programs provide academic and language outcomes that are not just positive but transformative to our students.
Below is a list of resources and websites that provide more detailed information about Dual Language Immersion programs:
Books that Detail the Benefits of DLI- Baker, C. A Parents’ and Teachers’ Guide to Bilingualism (3rd Ed)
- Baker, C. Foundations of bilingual education and bilingualism (5th ed.). Bristol, UK; Multilingual Matters (2011)
- Lindholm, Kathy. Biliteracy for a Global Society: An Idea Book on Dual Language Education by the National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education. (2000)
- Lindholm-Leary, K.J. (2001) Dual language education. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters
- Zelasco, Nancy and Antunez, Beth. If Your Child Learns in Two Languages by. National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education.
DLI Resources for Educators
- Boyle, A., August, D., Tabaku, L, Cole, S., and Simpson-Baird, A. (2015). Dual Language Education Programs: Current State Policies and Practices. Washington, DC: American Institutes for Research. Available at:
- Christian, D., Montone, C., Lindholm, K and Carranza, I. Profiles in Two-Way Immersion Education (1997).
- Cloud, N., Genesee, F., Hamayan, E. and Heinle and Heinle. Dual language Instruction - A Handbook for Enriched Education: by. ISBN number = 083848801-3
- Howard, E.R., Lindholm-Leary, K.J., Sugarman, J., Christian, D., & Rogers, D. (2007). Guiding principles for dual language education. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.
- Tinajero, Josefina and DeVillar, Robert. The Power of Two Languages 2000: Effective Dual Languages Use Across the Curriculum (eds.) McGraw Hill.
The Benefits of DLI - Articles
- Adesope, Olusola O., Lavin, Tracy, Thompson, Terri and Ungerleider, Charles. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Cognitive Correlates of Bilingualism. Review of Educational Research June 2010, Vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 207–245 DOI: 10.3102/0034654310368803 - Collier, V., & Thomas, W. (2004). The Astounding Effectiveness of Dual Language Education for All. NABE Journal of Research and Practice, 2(1) 1-20. Available at: - Genesee et al., 2006; Thomas and Collier (2002) ELs and native English speakers in dual immersion programs do as well or better than their peers in other program models - Genesee et al., 2006; Thomas and Collier, 2002; Snipes, Soga, & Uro, 2007; August & Shanahan (2006) Primary language instruction in EL programs promotes higher level of reading in English. - Rumbaut, Rubén G., English Plus: Exploring the Socioeconomic Benefits of Bilingualism in Southern California. In Callahan, R.M. & Gándara, P.C., eds., The Bilingual Advantage: Language, Literacy, and the Labor Market. Multilingual Matters: Clevedon, U.K., 2014.
Websites of Interest
- National Association of Bilingual Education
- California Association for Bilingual Education
- National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
- Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence
- Center for Applied Linguistics
Contact Us
Erica Ultreras
Principal, Conejo Academy
(805) 495-7058
Email Ms. Ultreras
Ricardo Araiza, Ed.D.
Director, Multilingual Learners and Equity
(805) 497-9511 x3351
Email Dr. AraizaDena Sellers, Ed.D.
Director, Elementary Education
(805) 497-9511 x1211
Email Dr. SellersShanna M. Egans, Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent, Student Services
(805) 497-9511 x2302
Email Dr. EgansKenny Loo
Assistant Superintendent, Instructional Services
(805) 497-9511 x1202
Email Mr. Loo
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