LCMS Band & Orchestra Programs

      • LCMS Band Program

        The Los Cerritos Middle School Band Program consists of:

        Beginning Band is open to anyone who wants to learn a band instrument (brass, woodwinds, percussion). Students with one year or less of elementary band should sign up for this class. Students can also sign up if they have no experience at all.

        Intermediate Band is for students with more than one year of elementary band (or who have completed middle school beginning band). Students with musical experience outside of band (private lessons, string orchestra, etc…) can speak to Mr. Freed about whether this class might fit their level of musical knowledge.

        Advanced Band is for 7th and 8th grade students who have completed middle school intermediate band OR auditioned for placement in this class. The band participates in a wide range of events including school performances, concerts, All-District Band Festival, Ratings Festivals (concerts that are judged by a panel of experts) and workshops such as the Soundtrack Recording Workshop at Disneyland.

        Jazz Band is for advanced 7th and 8th grade students who are concurrently enrolled in advanced band. They play a variety of styles of music including swing, funk, rock, Latin, and blues. The Jazz Band participates in many types of events including concerts, competitive festivals, and public performances such as restaurants and food truck festivals as well as the Soundtrack Recording Workshop at Disneyland or other workshops. Standard instrumentation includes saxophones, trumpets and trombones as well as a rhythm section of piano, guitar, bass, drums and percussion. Rhythm section musicians who are not enrolled in a concert band but are interested should speak to Mr. Freed about eligibility.

        Each class meets daily, not at lunch, before, or after school, but as a regular class period.

        If you have questions about the LCMS Band program, contact Mr. Freed or you can also visit the Los Cerritos Middle School Band and Strings Website for more information.

      Band Events Calendar 2024 - 2025

      LCMS Chamber Orchestra

      • LCMS Chamber Orchestra

        There are two orchestra classes at LCMS. Beginning String Orchestra and Advanced String Orchestra. Beginning String Orchestra is open to anyone. Advanced and Chamber Orchestra are selected by audition. If you have any questions about our orchestra program, contact Mrs. Blake.

        The LCMS Chamber Orchestra was the featured performer of the California PTSA State Convention opening ceremonies.  Mrs. Blake and our Chamber Orchestra members gave a stellar performance in front of an audience of 1500 people and were rewarded with a standing ovation. Under Mrs. Blake's direction, string orchestras from LCMS have received an unbroken string of superior ratings at local music festivals hosted by Moorpark and Thousand Oaks High Schools. Our string classes are a great place for students who already play, or want to play violin, viola, cello, or string bass. 

      Instrumental Music Boosters

      • Instrumental Music Boosters

        The Instrumental Music Boosters support the band and orchestra programs by organizing and supporting events, raising money and assisting the directors and staff with concerts. Every parent of a band or orchestra student is a booster and we need help to support everything our amazing students do. The boosters are led by the Executive Booster Board which is elected each year. They are always looking for parents who can help with fundraisers, bake sales, concert setups, event chaperoning, uniform fittings, etc… Please send an email to if you’d like to help in any way.

        Visit the Instrumental Music Boosters page on our website for more information.

      Band Grading

      • Middle school band is a graded class. As a performance class, the most important grades are from performances which are mandatory. These are worth 100 points each. The calendar of events is published at the beginning of the school year and students or parents should inform the director of any prior commitments that we may need to work around. In the event of a prior commitment that can’t be avoided, students may be excused from the concert and assigned a Live Performance paper as a makeup assignment. Last minute conflicts will not be excused except in cases of emergency. In addition to concerts, there will a number of playing tests worth 50 points each. These may be done either live or recorded for submission in Canvas. There may also occasionally be other worksheets or short assignments handed out. All playing tests and assignments may be submitted as many as the student wants to achieve the highest grade possible on the assignment. Every students learns at a different rate so students are given every opportunity to earn an "A" grade. More information on grading will be given out in class. Students are expected to practice a minimum of 30 minutes 3-4 times per week. While we do not keep written logs of practice time, students’ progress is regularly assessed in class and the level of music we perform requires that minimum commitment.

        Extra Credit:

        Students may earn extra credit for attending a music performance and writing a Live Performance paper. These can be high school or college band or orchestra concerts, community or professional music concerts or less formal events such as combos or soloists playing at a local restaurant. Many local events are listed on the band calendar

        Students can also earn extra credit for assisting with concerts they’re not already performing in. This could include advanced band students helping out at a jazz concert, sitting in with the beginning or intermediate bands to play in a performance, or assisting with an elementary music concert.

      Latest News

      • Order your instrumental music yearbook through the link below. Books will be formatted and shipped in late May/early June.
        Yearbook Link

        Band Events Calendar 2024 - 2025
        New events will be added along the way, please check back often!

      Musical Progress?

      • How can I help my child make musical progress?

      • Practice Incentives:

      • Private Teachers: