Welcome to Middle School Education

  • The Middle School Education Department is responsible for planning, organizing, monitoring and directing the development and implementation of middle schools; providing leadership for the instructional program; providing support to all middle schools in the District adopted curriculum and instructional improvement efforts; coordinating and supervising a new curriculum adoption process; planning, organizing and monitoring the development of new educational programs that meet mandated educational reforms for middle schools; and supervising the District's middle school principals.

    The Director of Middle School Education reports to the Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services. The District's middle school principals report directly to the Director of Middle School Education.

Contact Information

To All of Our Students and Families

  • Attention: Any student involved in extra-curricular/co-curricular activities or interested in being involved in these activities - You must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA, while passing a minimum of four classes, to maintain your eligibility for athletics, activities, etc. Your participation is also based on your abiding by the rules set forth in the CVUSD Co-Curricular Code and Contract that you and your parent(s)/guardian are required to sign and turn in to the school.

    Middle School and High School students: Stanford University offers challenging online courses through their EPGY (Education Program for Gifted Youth) program. They even offer a summer program at Stanford. Learn more about this program