Risk Management

  • It is Risk Management’s mission to provide risk prevention and mitigation services to the District, aimed at reducing conditions or practices which may expose the District to human, environmental, or financial loss. Risk Management is responsible for the administration of the District's self-insured and purchased insurance programs along with occupational health and safety. These programs include property and liability claims, workers' compensation, contracts, insurance, safety and ergonomic studies of employees' work environments.

Student Activities

  • Minimum Guidelines for Student Activities

    Minimum guidelines must be followed when planning student activities in order to protect our District from pay additional deductibles if we have an incident.

    Student Activities Guide

    Excluded Activities

  • Independent Study Physical Education (ISPE)

    Potential Facilities for Independent Study Physical Education (ISPE)

    It is up to the designated person at each site to approve each student’s request. A student may not participate in ISPE before completing all paperwork including an appropriately signed release and obtaining a certificate of insurance from the organization that meets CVUSD requirements.

    Each student should discuss any ISPE request with the designated ISPE site representative before joining a facility.

    It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that his/her facility has a current, valid certificate of insurance, listing Conejo Valley USD as an additional insured. If the certificate expires during the year, a new one must be obtained prior to receiving additional hours from that organization. A facility with an expired certificate of insurance will no longer be valid for hours without a new certificate of insurance.

    CVUSD ISPE Insurance Waiver


  • Food Trucks and Mobile Food Vendors

    Striving to ensure food safety, the District permits food trucks or mobile food vendors which meet the following eligibility requirements: 

    Required documents for restaurants and shops (AKA Permanent Food Facilities) which also provide mobile food services or food trucks:

    • Permit to Operate (Issued by Ventura County Environmental Health)

    • Latest Health Inspection Report by Ventura County Environmental Health Division

    Eligibility/approval requirement for Food Trucks (with no permanent presence):

    The District does exclusive business with, or permits operations of, mobile food vendors who appear on the County of Ventura’s lists for Mobile Food Facilities and/or Annual Temporary Food Facilities.

    Temporary Food Facilities at Community Events

    Mobile Food Facilities List 1/27/25

    The District relies on the above-mentioned lists from the Environmental Health Division staff of the County of Ventura:

    • Review plans for food trucks
    • Conduct annual and routine inspections of permitted food trucks
    • Ensure that permitted food trucks have a valid Manager’s food safety certificate and/or a Food handler’s card
    • Ensure that they have a current and valid Health Permit and license to operate in the County

    Note: Ensuring your vendor is on the County list or has proper documentation is only the first step.  You would need to obtain their insurance certificates and have a proper agreement or contract in place before food trucks can operate at or near our schools.  See CVUSD Purchasing Department folder on Google Shared Drives for details of the District contract approval process.


Employee Safety

  • Safe Practices

    Avoid Work Injuries

    • Use proper step stool or ladder to reach overhead. Don't stand on chairs, furniture, or boxes. It's not worth a fractured bone!
    • Watch where you step - uneven surfaces, or small items (rocks, pencils, etc.) can cause you to fall and sustain injuries.
    • Use handrails when going up or down stairs; Don't overload your arms with books, supplies, or equipment when using stairs.
    • Pay attention to the job you are doing. Be cautious and careful.
    • When lifting or carrying loads, care should be exercised to avoid overexertion and straing. Too heavy? Ask for Help!
    • Clean up spills immediately.
    • Always keep aisles and passageways clear and unobstructed.
    • Keep desk drawer and file cabinet drawers closed when they are not in use. Open one drawer at a time.
    • Wear proper shoes; Closed toe and closed heel are best!

    The District is self-insured in Workers' Compensation - every dollar spent on injuries comes directly out of the District's General Fund. If everyone adheres to the suggestions above, we can dramatically reduce injuries and costs.

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