Parent Participation
Parent participation has been a major priority of the Board of Education. Each school's Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) contains specific parent participation components and activities. Parent participation is encouraged through many formal and informal organizations and activities. The major advisory councils to support parent participation are described below.ADVISORY COUNCILS
Click Here to View a Master Schedule of all Advisory Council Meeting Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year
School Site Council (SSC)
Every elementary, middle, and high school has a School Site Council (SSC). SSCs are comprised of parents, school staff, and students at secondary schools. Parents comprise 50% of every elementary SSC, while parents and students comprise 50% of every secondary SSC. The SSC measures the effectiveness of current improvement strategies at their school and evaluates the school's effectiveness in meeting the needs of students. Visit your school office or contact your school principal for further information.African-American District Advisory Council (AADAC)
Interested parents may email Dr. James Jenkins or visit the AADAC webpage for additional information.District Advisory Council (DAC)
DAC advises the Board of Education on matters related to educational programs, policies, and procedures, and considers action as requested. Each School Site Council selects a representative to serve on DAC. Visit the DAC webpage for additional information.District English Learners Advisory Council (DELAC)
Interested parents may email Dr. Ricardo Araiza or visit the DELAC webpage for additional information.Gifted and Talented Education District Advisory Council (GATE-DAC)
Interested parents may email Christina Harrison or visit the GATE DAC webpage for additional information.Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and Others Advisory Council (LGBTQ+ AC)
Interested parents may email Christina Harrison or visit the LGBTQ+ AC webpage for additional information.Special Education District Advisory Council (SEDAC)
Visit the Special Education District Advisory Council webpage for SEDAC Meeting information.To view upcoming Advisory Council meeting agendas, please visit the CVUSD BoardDocs page.
Additional Ways to Be Involved
Conejo Council PTA
The Conejo Council PTA/PTSA has an extremely active organization. PTA/PTSA (Parent Teacher Association / Parent Teacher Student Association) members provide funds and over 100,000 volunteer hours annually to District schools. Contact your school office for further information.
PFAs and Booster Clubs serve a vital function in providing support and supplemental resources for a variety of programs. They provide extensive volunteer hours and funds supporting District students and school programs. Contact your school office for further information.
The Conejo Schools Foundation (CSF) is an independent non-profit managed by parents, community leaders and educators dedicated to improving and enriching the educational experience of all students in the District. CSF is dedicated to creating a sustainable funding source for all of our schools' critical needs and to increase the impact of resources for students and teachers through our programs.
Parents may also participate in their child's education by attending school activities such as parent conferences, parent education events, Back-to-School Night, and Open House. Parents of middle school and high school students may obtain information regarding their student via Parent Portal.
District Advisory Committee and Council Handbook
Parent & Student Resources
Board Meetings
BreakThrough Student Assistance Program
Bus Information/Schedules
Child Care (K-5)
Child Nutrition/School Lunch
Conejo Council PTA
Conejo Schools Foundation
CVUSD Nurses
District Directories
Q Parent Connect
Elementary Education (K-5)
Middle School Education (6-8)
High School Education (9-12)
Employment Opportunities
GATE (Gifted & Talented Education)
School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)
Special Education
Street Index / School Locator
Student Support Services
Thousand Oaks Teen Center
Work Permits
Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
Discipline Policy and Procedures and Annual Notification of Rights and Responsibilities (recently updated) for Parents, Students and Staff