African-American District Advisory Council (AADAC)
CVUSD recognizes the importance of serving our African-American and Black students and families. The African-American District Advisory Council (AADAC) provides a parent and community voice for our African-American and Black families in order to support our students in experiencing maximum level of success at school, including academically, extra-curricular, social-emotional and wellness. Our goal is to build a strong partnership between CVUSD staff and families, and to connect our community's African-American and Black families to create a safer, more inclusive school environment, and increase the academic opportunities and achievement of our Black students. We do this by sharing both successes and areas for improvement as we collectively engage in ongoing discussion and collaboration. Part of AADAC's role is to advise the District Advisory Council, school administrators, site staff, and the Board of Education. AADAC provides a diverse perspective on the implementation of District policies and procedures. In every discussion and action, AADAC centers the needs of African-American and Black students and considers how to support them as they strive to reach their full potential.
To view AADAC Agendas and Minutes, click here and follow the below instructions -
On the BoardDocs website, click the top right menu and go to 'African-American District Advisory Council’
- AADAC Meeting 11-16-22 Presentation – Elementary Instructional Materials
- AADAC Meeting 2-08-23 Presentation – Secondary Diverse Core Literature
- CVUSD Elementary Instructional MaterialsAADAC Meeting 12-17-21 Presentation - Core Literature
- AADAC Meeting 1-20-22 Presentation - Human Resource Department
- AADAC Meeting 2-25-22 Presentation - Reporting & Investigation Process for Incidents of Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, and/or Racism
- AADAC Meeting 3-25-22 Presentation - Math Pathways
- AADAC Meeting 4-29-22 Presentation - Local Control and Accountability Plan & School Plan for Student Achievement
- AADAC Meeting 5-20-22 Presentation - AADAC Member Resources
Coming Soon
Black Student Unions
Newbury Park High School
Advisor: Jennifer Best
Meeting Dates/Times: Tuesday’s at Lunch
For more information, contact:
jbest@conejousd.orgThousand Oaks High School
Advisor: Brian Cummings
Meeting Dates/Times: Second and Last Tuesday at 12:13
For more information, contact:
bcummings@conejousd.orgWestlake High School
Advisor: Hannah Davey
Meeting Dates/Times: Every other Monday at Lunch
For more information, contact:
hdavey@conejousd.orgLos Cerritos Middle School
Advisor: Gila Brook
Meeting Dates/Times: Every other Tuesday at Lunch
For more information, contact:
gbrook@conejousd.orgRedwood Middle School
Advisor: William Zasadil
Meeting Dates/Times: Wednesday’s at Lunch
For more information, contact:
Executive Committee
Marlena Wallace - Chair
Garrett Shaw - Vice Chair
Tanika Parker - Secretary
Darius Wynn - Parliamentarian
Nicole Updegraff - Member-at-Large
Mika Johnson - Member-at-Large