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Request to Conduct Research
Conejo Valley Unified School District has an Internal Review Committee that looks at all proposals for research including data requests, interviews, surveys, etc. To request permission to conduct research within the District, applicants must submit the following documentation to the Instructional Services Department:
- CVUSD Request to Conduct Research Form and Volunteer Application
- University-approved Internal Review Board (IRB)
- Any proposed surveys or interview questions
- Any additional required documents
Guidelines for research requests within the district are as follows. Research projects will:
- Not interfere with instructional time
- Not require additional teacher or administrative duties
- Provide benefit and insight to district practices and policy
- Protect student and teacher rights
- Not identify student or teacher information links to the data
- Comply with survey/interview guidelines (copies of the finalized survey tool/interview questions must be included)
- Have prior approval of the student's university IRB
- Receive clearance for research participants who need access to school sites or students.
If a project is approved, CVUSD requires that a copy of the completed research be provided to the Instructional Services Department for review prior to publication.
For further information or support, please complete this online form.