Q: How do I enroll my incoming student for classes at NP?
A: In order for a student to have classes added, the student needs to be enrolled at NPHS. If your student is not yet enrolled, contact hosinski@conejousd.org . AFTER your student is enrolled, have the student review and follow the instructions HERE. After your student emails the Course Contract to the counselor, the counselor will be able to answer whatever questions remain and load courses (this will take place on or after 8/8/22).
Q: How do I get a transcript sent to a college?
IF you are 2022 graduate and you requested an official transcript via the Senior Survey as instructed, your transcript has already been sent. If you need to have your transcript sent to another campus, or if you did not request an official transcript yet, you will need to use this form and send it to the registrar. Additional transcript information is on the Counseling webpage.
Q: What if I want an unofficial copy of my transcript for myself?
A: Until the end of June you can email isabory@conejousd.org and request an unofficial PDF of your transcript.
Q: How do I enroll for a Moorpark class?
A: http://dev.nphs.org/moorpark-college/ You will need to provide a name and an email address for the electronic MOU to be processed. Use “Steve Lepire” for the designee name, and slepire@conejousd.org for the email address.
Q: How do I get a Work Permit?
A: Students will need to go to the CVUSD District Office during office hours.
Q: When will I get my schedule, and what if I want to make a change?
A: Students will have the opportunity to pick up a copy of their course requests and their books shortly before school starts. At that time, students can meet with their counselor to make a required schedule (if necessary) IF the change request meets the following criteria (as outlined on the Course Selection Contract):
Schedule changes will not be made to accommodate teacher
requests, period requests, extracurricular or athletic activities. A required schedule change will be made for a student who failed a
course or who completed a pre–approved summer school course.
A requested schedule change will be made only if it improves the
integrity of your schedule for graduation or college entrance
requirements AND if there is space available. Schedule change
requests can be addressed in August during Schedule Pick–Up Day -
Q: What if I am a rising senior and I want to get a head start on applying to colleges? Are there resources?
A: Absolutely! Start here.