NPHS Course Descriptions
Each course profile includes a description of the course, required & suggested prerequisites, estimated workload, and credit fulfillment information. Click on a subject area below to learn more:
Audition / Application Courses
Career Technical Education
To graduate from NPHS, a student must earn 10 credits of a CTE class OR a VPA class OR a World Language class. Students may take as many CTE classes as their schedule will allow, but prerequisites and department recommendations must be followed.
Arts, Media & Entertainment
Video Production & Broadcasting Flowchart
Video Production & Broadcasting
Music Fundamentals and ProductionBuilding & Construction Trades
Business & Finance
Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Culinary Arts & Hospitality
Food & HospitalityPatient Care
Public Services
Courses offered at various locations OFF CAMPUS:
Click HERE to be directed to the CEC website
Please note...the following courses are available ONLY to students who are a part of the NPHS DATA program. For more information about DATA, please visit HERE.
English Language Arts
To graduate from NPHS, or to apply to most colleges, 4 years of English are required.
Making a Decision Between IB English Courses:
English Electives:
Health & Geography / Career Preparation
All CVUSD students must pass Health (a required ninth-grade course) in order to fulfill graduation requirements. Health is a one-semester course; for the other semester students take Geography/Career Preparation OR Ethnic Studies.
To graduate from NPHS with a diploma, students must earn 30 credits in mathematics (including passing Algebra 1).
To apply to MOST 4-year colleges, students must earn a C or higher in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 (a 4th year of a math “for which Algebra 2 is a prerequisite” is also recommended by many colleges).
Middle school courses in mathematics including Algebra 1 CP, Algebra 1H, Geometry, and Geometry H may be used to satisfy college entrance requirements.
Algebra 1 CP or Honors taken at the middle school level does NOT count for high school numerical credit (but it does count towards SUBJECT requirement).
If you are coming to NPHS from out of district, please review THIS.
Mathematics Flowchart (start with the math level you take in your freshman year):
Mathematics CP Flowchart - Honors Mathematics Flowchart
IB Math Analysis and Approaches 1
IB Math Analysis and Approaches 2
Computer Programming (check out this video about why girls should take computer programming HERE )
Another cool Computer Programming overview HERE
IB Math Applications and Interpretations
AP Computer Science Principles -
Physical Education
To graduate from NPHS, all students must earn 20 credits of Physical Education credits. Ninth-graders are required to take PE, which satisfies 10 credits, and
the additional 10 credits can be earned via PE 10-12, Dance, Marching Band, or any NPHS athletics (one season of a sport or Marching Band equals 5 credits).
To graduate from NPHS with a diploma, students must earn 20 credits in science (including a physical science such as Geoscience or Chemistry and Biology).
To apply to MOST 4-year colleges, students should take at least Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. The UC system requires “2 lab sciences taken from two
different areas” (one from life sciences and one from physical sciences), and the CSU system will allow one science from the “d” subject area and one from the “g” subject area (Geoscience).
Social Science
To graduate from NPHS, a student must earn:
10 credits in World History (or AP European History)
10 credits in U.S. History (or IB History of the Americas)
5 credits in U.S. Government and 5 credits in Economic Systems (or 10 credits in 20th Century History IB)
Overview of Social Science courses
In addition to their required Social Science classes, students may choose additional electives from the list below.
Special Education
Special Education support classes are open only to students who have an active Individualized Education Plan. Please refer to the District site for more information.
Visual & Performing Arts
To graduate from NPHS, a student must earn 10 credits of EITHER a VPA class, a World Language class, or a CTE class. To apply to most four-year colleges, students must earn a C or higher in an approved visual or performing art. Students may take as many visual or performing arts classes as their schedule will allow, but prerequisites and department recommendations must be followed (including possible auditions).
Overall Band Course Descriptions
Concert Choir (Period 3 aka Black and Gold Singers)
Vocal Ensemble (Period 0 aka Concert Choir)
Vocal Ensemble Honors (Period 5 aka Advanced Treble Ensemble)
Vocal Ensemble Honors (Period 6 aka Panther Chamber Singers)
Dance Department Overview of Courses
IB Music
Performing Art/General
Beginning Instruments (Orchestra)
Music Appreciation
TheaterVisual Art
Drawing (Life Drawing)
IB Visual Art (drawing)
IB Visual Art (photo)
World Languages
To graduate from NPHS, no World Language is required.
To apply to MOST 4-year colleges, students must earn a C or higher in two years of the same language other than English as a minimum (three to
four years is often recommended). Students may take as many World Languages as their schedule will allow, but prerequisite and department
recommendations should be followed.
Middle school course in World Language may be used to satisfy college entrance requirements. If you completed a World Language with at least a C or
higher at a CVUSD middle school, you should be prepared to move on to the next sequential level of that language. If you completed a World Language class
outside of the District, or if you are unsure of your level of preparation, check with your current language teacher, current counselor, or with the NPHS World Languages chairperson.
American Sign Language
More Resources
For a video about IB Course Pathways click HERE.
Videos about various NPHS courses/programs can be found HERE.
A list of NPHS’s approved A-G courses can be found at the UC Doorways site HERE.
For a description of the NPHS Pathways and Majors programs, click HERE.
A list of NPHS’s approved NCAA courses can be found HERE. Use code 052117 to search for NP.