Attendance Information

  • Regular, punctual attendance directly correlates to academic performance.  Good attendance is a shared responsibility between the student and parent.  We expect parents to send their children to school each day on time and to call in any absence within 3 school days.  We expect students to arrive at each class on time, to stay at school and to discuss attendance issues with their parents.  

Attendance Office FAQ's

  • How does the office communicate attendance issues to parents?

  • What absences can be excused?

  • Can absences for other reasons be excused?

  • Which absences are "unexcused?"

  • How do "unexcused" absences differ from "truancies?"

  • What are the eligibility requirements for an Off-Campus Pass (OCP)?

  • What are the consequences for truancies or tardies?

  • How can parents help?

Additional Information

    1. Parents must call the Attendance Office with the reason and time of departure.
    2. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up a pass in the Attendance Office before school, during passing periods, at break time or lunch so that he/she is ready to leave on time. The office staff CANNOT, for any reason, call a student out of class unless AUTHORIZED BY AN ADMINISTRATOR.
    3. No student may leave the campus BEFORE checking out through the office. Students who do so may be assigned a Saturday Work Study, and will be given a truancy for each class missed. The truancy will not be cleared - even if a parent/guardian/caretaker calls after the fact. 


    1. Students WITHOUT an off-campus pass leaving between 11:50 and 12:20 and returning, may leave only when met in the office by a parent/guardian or other adult as designated by the parent/guardian. If circumstances preclude physically coming into the office, please be sure to relay this information at the time of the call as it will require administrative approval.
    2. After lunch absences by students WITH an off-campus pass cannot be cleared after 3 school days.
    3. Parents should call the Attendance Office as soon as possible if a student becomes ill while off campus and will not be returning.
    4. Students who choose to leave campus for lunch assume FULL RESPONSIBILITY for RETURNING PROMPTLY. Depending upon the time of late arrival, an unexcused tardy or absence will be assigned.

24 Hour Attendance Line