District Nurse, Catherine Kalev ckalev@conejousd.org
Health Office
The Cypress Elementary Health Office is staffed by a Health Clerk from 8:45 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. daily. Health Clerks are certified in both CPR and First Aid. The Health Clerk is responsible for administering first aid; responding to health emergencies and, if needed; distributing doctor-prescribed medications; apprising parents of any illness or injury on campus during school hours; and maintaining student health records, including ensuring student vaccinations are up-to-date and compliant with school district and state requirements, and following up on state mandated vision, hearing, and health screening results. The Health Office is available to students throughout the school day. When the Health Clerk is not present, care is provided by the other front office staff members.CVUSD also employs District Nurses. The District Nurses are licensed health care professionals who provide specialized medical services that include medically required personal care; administering vision and hearing screenings; overseeing school infection control standards; communicating with students’ families regarding continuing infectious diseases; assisting families with obtaining outside healthcare services; providing Human Growth & Development classes; and collaborating with parents of students who have special health care needs, and developing individualized plans of care for those students while at school. The credentialed school nurse is uniquely qualified in preventive health assessment and referral procedures.
Medication at School
Students with Asthma, Food/Bee Sting Allergies, Cardiac Issues, Diabetes, Seizures or Shunts will also need to have their doctor complete an Individual Health Care Plan form. To download these forms, please see the quick LINKS located on the right of this web page.Health Screenings
Vision and Hearing Screenings - Students in grades Kindergarten, 2nd, and 5th grades will have their hearing and vision assessed by CVUSD employed certified health professionals. Parents will be notified should their children be identified as needing further testing by a licensed health professional.
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Individualized Health Plan
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Individualized Health Plan 2023.pdf 701.02 KB (Last Modified on May 8, 2023)