• The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a specialized program that aims to promote inquiry and foster the development of the whole child through a unique "transdisciplinary framework," meaning that children learn in terms of concepts rather than categorically defined subjects. This helps to deepen student understanding of concepts. Teachers also teach through inquiry, allowing students to ask questions and find the answers through their own hands-on research and experimentation. This allows students more ownership of their learning and allows students to develop research and critical thinking skills that will benefit them throughout their educational journey. 

    Over the last two years, Cypress teachers have developed Units of Inquiry at each grade level that incorporates this inquiry approach to teaching and learning. These Units of Inquiry are also transdisciplinary, which means the units incorporate multiple subject areas and tie them together to deepen student understanding of the content and make it more applicable to their daily lives. Each of these units of inquiry have a transdisciplinary theme that students investigate. The themes are repeated each year, but students investigate different aspects of the theme. The six themes are: 

    • Who we are

    Inquiry into relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures

    • Where we are in place and time 

    Inquiry into the relationship between individuals and civilizations, from both local and global perspectives

    • How we express ourselves

    Inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, and beliefs and values

    • How the world works

    Inquiry into how humans use their understanding of scientific principles, the impact of scientific and technological advances on society

    • How we organize ourselves

    Inquiry into societal decision-making; economic activities, and their impact on humankind and the environment

    • Sharing the planet

    Inquiry into the environment and communities