• Attendance

    Reporting of Absences

    Please remember to call our office at (805) 498-6102 to report your child's absence, or email kdavies@conejousd.org

    If your child has a fever and any other flu such as cough, sore throat, body aches, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, please include this information in your message to the office. It is also important that lice be informed to us. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

    All students arriving after the last bell need to inform the office for a tardy note and will be counted for lunch counting in case it is purchased. This emphasizes the student's responsibility for procedure, promptness to school (reduction of unnecessary interruptions in the classroom), and assists kitchen staff in their meal preparation planning.

    Please read the complete rule book for information about tardies and class absences. In case of consecutive absences, the homework may be requested on the second day of absence.
    You can help provide your child with a first-class education by scheduling all medical appointments and the dentist before or after school or during pupil-free days.