School Site Council

  • Our first regular meeting is August 28th at 2:45PM.

    School site council (SSC) is composed of the principal, three teacher representatives, one school-classified employee and five parents of the school’s students. Each member serves a two-year term. The SSC has regular meetings on the third Tuesday of most school months in the school library and is open to the public.

    The purpose of SSC is to develop a single-school plan for student achievement. This plan helps determine/address how funds will be used to improve the academic performance of all students. The plan also identifies how the school will evaluate progress towards these goals. Examples of appropriate expenditures include specialists such as instructional assistants, computers, software, teacher-in-service and stipends for extra teacher work.

    Another responsibility of SSC is to review, monitor, evaluate and write the school safety plan for each year. We will be developing further guidelines for Westlake Elementary's Safety Plan and the CVUSD Policy and Procedures for visitors/volunteers on campus.

    All meetings are typically held in the school library at 2:45 p.m.

  • School Site Council Members and Representatives

    Terri Culpepper, Principal
    Jennifer Barber, Teacher
    Carolyn Booser, Teacher
    Becky Crowell, Teacher
    Ann Keenan, Staff
    Richard Fields, Chairperson
    Grace Benson, DAC Representative
    Jill Cowdrey, GATE DAC Representative
    Tim Hagerty, GATE DAC Representative
    Danielle Dennison, PFA Representative
    Anna Tucker-White, PFA Representative
    Katie Wilkes, SEDAC Representative