
  • Each week, Cypress students have the opportunity to visit the library and are greeted by our librarian, Mrs. Andrea Yusim During their library time, she shares great works of literature with them and then students are allowed to peruse the shelves and select books they can check out themselves.

Reading Counts

  • Scholastic’s RC (Reading Counts!) is a software program that assesses students’ reading comprehension of books read independently.  After finishing a book, students log on to the computer and take a 10 question multiple choice quiz.

    With our RC program, students read at their own reading level.  This reading level is determined by taking the S.R.I.  (Scholastic Reading Inventory).  Students receive a Lexile (a 3 or 4 digit number) that is their reading level.  Our school library has several thousand RC books available for students to check out.  Books from home may also have RC quizzes available.

    Lexile Website