CVUSD has an obligation to provide a continuum of services for CVUSD students with disabilities. These services are not obligated to be at every site, but rather to be within the District to support students based on their IEP.
CVUSD is committed to inclusion for students with disabilities and to providing supports and services to students in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). A student's LRE is determined based on their individual needs; the goal for every student is to maximize access to the general education setting to the greatest extent possible.
Thus, the continuum of services offered in CVUSD include:
Speech only IEPs where a student only has speech and language services provided by a speech and language pathologist (SLP); the SLP is also the case manager
A full day in the general education setting with Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI) supports through consultation/collaboration and accommodations only
SAI supports through direct instruction in
Learning Centers for a targeted amount of minutes to work on IEP goals (elementary only); or
SAI classes at secondary school sites (SAI English or SAI Math classes where all students in the class have IEPs); or
Related Services (counseling services, speech, occupational therapy, adapted physical education, deaf and hard of hearing (D/HH) services, etc.)
Some students require a specialized program to access the LRE (please see CVUSD's Specialized Program descriptions and locations listed below with links)
Non-Public School (NPS) or County Program
CVUSD always considers exhausting all options within the District, but recognize that we have students who may require a separate school setting, and, if so, we consider this placement as part of our continuum of services
Residential Treatment Center (RTC)
For students requiring 24/7 care to access their education, an RTC may be considered. CVUSD always considers exhausting all options within the District first, then the possibility of an NPS or County program, but recognize that we have students who may require a residential setting, and, if so, we consider this placement as part of our continuum of services. Qualifying for an RTC program requires an assessment
Home/Hospital Instruction (HHI)
A student may require HHI. Placement on HHI requires a doctor’s note that outlines the start date, end date, and the condition that precludes the student from school attendance