• Mental Health and Wellness Services



    A mindset is like a special belief we have about ourselves. There are two kinds of mindsets: 

    FIXED MINDSET is thinking you cannot improve. It's like believing you're stuck and cannot get any smarter.

    GROWTH MINDSET is thinking you can get better by trying and working hard. You embrace challenges and know that making mistakes is part of learning.  Most kids naturally have a growth mindset. They love exploring, learning, and trying new things. 


    Here are some examples of things your child can do to practice having a growth mindset:

    1. Try new things that are a bit hard. Don't be afraid of things that might seem tricky at first. Give them a go and keep trying, because you can get better with practice. For example, try a challenging puzzle, a new game, or learning a musical instrument.
    2. Learn from your mistakes: Mistakes are okay! They help us learn. When you make a mistake, don't get upset. Instead, think about what you can do differently next time. It's like a clue to get better!
    3. Have goals and work towards them: Choose something you want to get better at, like reading a big book or riding a bike without training wheels. Break it into small steps and celebrate when you achieve each step.  Keep going and don't give up!
    4. Stay positive and believe in yourself. Use kind words for yourself and others. Instead of saying "I can't do it," say "I'll give it a try." Believe that you can do it, and you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish!
    5. Get inspired by others. Look up to people who have done amazing things. Read their stories or watch videos about them. It will show you that with hard work and practice, you can achieve great things too!
    6. Be patient and keep trying: Remember, learning takes time. Don't expect to be perfect right away. Keep practicing, be patient with yourself, and believe that you can improve a little bit every day.


    Having a growth mindset means believing in yourself, trying new things even if they're hard, learning from mistakes, and staying positive. You can keep growing, learning, and achieving amazing things with the right attitude! Remember, learning is an adventure. It's okay to make mistakes. With a growth mindset, you can keep getting better and smarter by exploring, asking questions, and trying your best.