• Mental Health and Wellness Services


    Many adolescents use social media daily. There are both positive and negative aspects of social media use. It’s important for parents and guardians to speak with their adolescents about the potential benefits and risks of using social media and how to engage with it thoughtfully.

    Potential positives of social media for kids:

    • Connecting with family and friends
    • Learning about new information and current events
    • Getting support if needed
    • Creativity and entertainment (music, art, videos, etc.)


    Negatives of social media for kids:

    • Risk of cyberbullying or harassment online
    • Cyberbullying has been linked to negative mental health outcomes such as depression, loneliness, and suicide
    • Safety and privacy could be compromised
    • Kids may unknowingly share private information and some apps reveal the user’s exact location
    • Negative mental health impact
    • Studies show a relationship between increased time on social media and mental health conditions like anxiety and depression
    • Distraction and taking time away from other important tasks/activities
    • Kids have other activities they need to do, like homework, exercise, sleeping, reading, spending time with family/friends, etc
    • Potential exposure to harmful content
    • Kids going online may be more likely to be exposed to content that isn’t appropriate for their age, disturbing, or dangerous. Kids may be more prone to believing false information, which is also common online


    What parents and guardians can do:

    • Parents can be aware of and monitor what their children are doing online
    • Balance staying involved but also respecting their privacy
    • Create a media plan and rules for the entire family
    • Creating screen free times and screen free zones
    • Choosing what social media/content is appropriate
    • Use privacy settings and explain their purpose
    • Report bullying or harassment
    • Model safe and appropriate use of social media