• Mental Health and Wellness Services



    The benefits of self-care include improved physical health, self-esteem boost, reduction in stress and anxiety, strengthening and protecting your mental health and can lead to stronger relationships. Self-care is unique to each individual and includes activities you enjoy.

    Some self-care ideas include:

    • Reading a book
    • Going outside
    • Going for a walk, run or hike
    • Drinking water
    • Taking a shower
    • Writing in a journal
    • Talking to a friend or family member
    • Playing a game
    • Eating a snack
    • Take a nap or rest
    • Draw or paint
    • Listen to music or play an instrument
    • Practice a mindfulness activity
    • Do skincare
    • Create a vision board
    • Do a puzzle
    • Go somewhere (ie the beach, meditate, play with a pet, unplug and turn your phone off
    • Prioritize sleep as it is important to how you feel
    • Visit the Virtual Wellness Room

    Self-care is prioritizing time for yourself on a regular basis to relax or do something that takes care of you and helps improve your overall functioning.

