• Mental Health and Wellness Services


    Mindfulness is about being present and has been shown to reduce stress. Below are some ways you can practice mindfulness:

    1. Meditate

    • Practice guided or self-meditation.  There are literally hundreds of different meditation apps out there, so the key is finding one that resonates with your teen. Two apps you can download directly on your phone are Calm and Headspace.
    • Meditation and other mindfulness practices are often associated with stress relief, but there's much more to gain.

    2. Practice gratitude

    • A gratitude journal is a great way to focus on what's going right. Another option is to create a "Jar of Awesome" with small slips of paper where you write down things you are thankful for..

    3. Make your own mindfulness mantra

    • Develop a phrase that is meaningful to you and repeat it over and over. Use something traditional like "I am peaceful and calm," or "At this moment, I'm OK," or try something else that is meaningful to you.

    4. Use Breathing Techniques

    • Breathing techniques can slow you down and regulate your breathing when you are in a more escalated state.
    • An example of a breathing technique is the 4,4,6 pattern. Breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4 and breathe out for a count of 6. Counting while breathing can also have a similar calming effect.

    5. Move your body

    • Try yoga or stretching.
    • Take a walk and notice things in nature.

    6. Use the 5 senses activity (touch, taste, sight, smell, sound) which can act as a grounding tool.

    • Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and one thing you can taste.

    7. Try the body scan technique

    • Start with your feet firmly planted on the ground and notice how different sections of your body feel as you move from one end to the other.

    8. Try progressive muscle relaxation

    • Tense or squeeze a muscle tightly, then release it. Notice what it feels like as you move up or down the body.

    9. Listen to relaxing music.


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