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Congratulations Randy Smith of Redwood Middle, our 2024 CVUSD Teacher of the Year!

Randy SmithDescribed as, “wicked smart, empathetic, hard-working, thought-provoking, introspective, engaging and empowering,” Randy Smith is considered a true education hero by his peers. Currently serving as a teacher at Redwood Middle School, Mr. Smith is a veteran in the classroom, with more than two decades as a teacher in the CVUSD. He assists each student in reaching their maximum potential, and we and the Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce are proud to honor him as our 2024 CVUSD Teacher of the Year!

This school year, Mr. Smith was first recognized as one of CVUSD’s eight Teacher of the Month honorees as the November 2023 Teacher of the Month. Nominated by his peers, this recognition put him in the running to be the 2024 CVUSD Teacher of the Year. Mr. Smith will be publicly recognized as the 2024 CVUSD Teacher of the Year at the Thursday, June 20, 2024 Board of Education meeting.

Mr. Smith is a tireless student-advocate. His students know he desperately wants them to succeed and they are comfortable going to him with any challenge, academic struggle, or personal issue. He provides students with specific learning goals and uses resources to make learning FUN. He also collaborates with the Special Education department to successfully incorporate co-teaching.

Mr. Smith implements innovative teaching strategies and believes in the “power of yet,” meaning that all students have the potential to achieve when given the time and resources. He shows support for students inside and outside the classroom by his involvement in extracurricular activities. These include being a club sponsor, organizing the 6th grade Outdoor School program, and being the Math Competition Advisory, administering the AMD to over 25 students.

He demonstrates wisdom and guidance in conversations with coworkers and helps others feel confident in the positive work that is being done on a daily basis at Redwood. He negotiates and resolves conflicts always with the best interests of students at the forefront of all decisions and he is the go-to person for questions involving contracts and obligations as a member of the UACT board.

Congratulations, Mr. Smith!

Photo: Mr. Smith receives the November 2023 Teacher of the Month Recognition