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CVUSD Celebrates Juneteenth Independence Day

At the Wednesday, May 15, 2024 Board of Education Meeting Resolution #23/24-36 Juneteenth Independence Day Celebration June 19, 2024 was approved. 

The nineteenth of June has been observed as "Juneteenth" to commemorate the joyous events of June 19, 1865, and Juneteenth celebrations have occurred in states across the United States. "Juneteenth" and similar Emancipation Day observances formally recognize the abolition of slavery. Americans of all colors, creeds, cultures, religions, and countries of origin share a common love of, and respect for freedom, as well as the determination to protect their right to freedom through the democratic institutions by which the tenants of freedom are guaranteed and protected. Current events in our nation are a reminder that people of color, particularly African Americans, have not been afforded the same opportunities promised by the Declaration of Independence, including the unalienable rights of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The State of California, the United States Congress, and President Biden have designated June 19 as a special day of observance to recognize the emancipation of all enslaved people in the United States and to support a nationwide celebration of the Juneteenth Independence Day.